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9th April 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] After Being Rotated Out, Mew V’s Value Has Begun to Soar (Fusion Arts [S8] 106/100)

No longer will Pokémon TCG players feel a sense of dread when this card enters play.

Pokémon TCG Mew V

Although cards from the Fusion Arts [S8] set and older have been rotated out of official Pokémon TCG play following the latest rotation regulations that came into force on 5 April 2024, many of these cards continue to be much sought-after by collectors. One of these cards is the Mew V card from Fusion Arts [S8].

Mew V was probably best-known as the Pokémon that evolves into the Fusion Arts [S8] Mew VMAX—a card which upon its “retirement” will surely go down as one of the greatest Pokémon cards of all time with regard to gameplay. Given this card’s place in Pokémon TCG lore and how tied it is to is iconic Dynamaxed evolution, it’s unsurprising that its value has recently spiked following its removal from tournament play.

Visually, this card’s illustration alludes to the in-universe lore surrounding Mew. In the Pokémon canon, Mew is said to possess the DNA of every Pokémon. Thus, this Super Rare (SR) card’s Full Art illustration features the Mythical Pokémon surrounded by a variety of other Pokémon.

An additional detail to the illustration is the fact that one of these Pokémon is Smeargle. Smeargle and Mew share a similarity known to many ardent Pokémon fans. In the video games, Mew is capable of learning the attacks of every Technical Machine (TM) and Technical Record (TR). Similarly, Smeargle can learn every attack thanks to its use of Sketch, its signature attack which is subsequently replaced with what it learns.

The English version of this card is card 251/264 from the Fusion Strike set.

Following its recent price hike, one copy of a Mew V (Fusion Arts [S8] 106/100) card of SR rarity now carries a price tag of 11,500 JPY (~US$76).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Yamato card from Kingdoms of Intrigue [OP-04]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.