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17th April 2024 EDT NEWS

[Yu-Gi-Oh TCG] Banned From Play, But Not Collections: Borreload Savage Dragon (Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition RC04-JP034)

One of four cards to have just been banned from tournament play outside Japan and Asia-Pacific.

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Borreload Savage Dragon

The latest Yu-Gi-Oh TCG tournament card restrictions saw the previously unrestricted Borreload Savage Dragon card completely blacklisted from tournament play outside Japan and Asia-Pacific. While the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG community had been somewhat split on this decision, the majority of them have since come to better understand why Konami took this step.

While not overly powerful in and of itself, Borreload Savage Dragon had been a major contributor to the overcentralization of the meta. The vast majority of combo decks played towards an endgame that made use of a setup including this card as well as Baronne De Fleur, I:P Masquerena, one or two archetype-specific cards, and a 3-material or 4-material Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess.

The main issue with this is the fact that decks utilizing Borreload Savage Dragon and its setup tended to make use of generic interactions and/or Toolbox solutions, both of which had virtually no drawbacks whatsoever. Considering the fact that many tournament decks either used this setup or were specifically built to counter it, Konami moved to ban this card to prevent those decks from taking over the meta to a greater degree than they already had.

From a collector’s perspective, the fact that this card has been banned from tournament play likely adds to its allure and “story”. Additionally, it comes in the Quarter Century Secret Rare rarity created to honor the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG’s 25th anniversary.

This card has already been released in English.

The sale price of a Borreload Savage Dragon (Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition RC04-JP034) card of Quarter Century Secret Rare rarity is 3,710 JPY (~US$24).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Origin Forme Palkia V card from Space Juggler [S10P]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.