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14th March 2024 EDT RELEASES

[ONE PIECE Card Game] No Epithet, No Problem: Gecko Moria (Wings of the Captain [OP-06] OP06-086)

The Thriller Bark Pirates' captain shows up on this SR Parallel Art card.

ONE PIECE Card Game Gecko Moria

Despite being the only former Warlord of the Sea without an epithet, Gecko Moria is no less formidable for it—and that idea is encapsulated in this Super Rare (SR) Parallel Art card from the Wings of the Captain [OP-06] ONE PIECE Card Game booster pack.

This card’s illustration shows Moria in a dark setting unsheathing his giant pair of scissors. The setting ties into his use of the scissors which go with the power that he was bestowed by the Shadow-Shadow Fruit. In this way, Moria is able to split the victim’s shadow from the body—later to be placed within a corpse for reanimation as a zombie.

The primary antagonist of the Thriller Bark Arc is seen with his trademark maniacal grin plastered on his face. This aptly captures Moria’s sheer arrogance and somewhat reckless nature. In the background, various shadows—presumably those which Moria has separated from their original bodies—are positioned to round out the card’s sinister look.

This card has already been released in English.

A Gecko Moria (Wings of the Captain [OP-06] OP06-086) card carries a price tag of ¥6,800 (~US$46).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Yamato card from Wings of the Captain [OP-06]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.