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1st April 2024 EDT NEWS

[Pokémon TCG] Booster Box Mass Restocks on Pokémon Center Japan Website

The restocked sets include Wild Force [SV5K], Cyber Judge [SV5M], Ancient Roar [SV4K], Future Flash [SV4M], and Shiny Treasure ex [SV4a].


[Update 1 Apr 2024] Pokémon Japan isn’t done yet! According to an article posted on PokéBeach.com, a reprint of the Ruler of the Black Flame [SV3] expansion set will accompany further expansion set restocks. This will take place in May 2024.


Since 2021, Pokémon Japan has consistently claimed that an increase in Pokémon TCG production output would be forthcoming. At that point, it had already been more than a year since booster boxes of recent Pokémon TCG sets could be purchased on the Pokémon Center website without major restrictions. Just like everything else, Covid-19 impacted Pokémon TCG supply as well.

However, with the pandemic now mostly in the rearview mirror, Pokémon Japan has finally been able to deliver on its promise. On the Pokémon Center website, booster boxes of recent sets are now being sold with most restrictions lifted. This could only have been possible with an increase in production output leading to restocks.

There’s been a mass restock involving five Pokémon TCG sets: Wild Force [SV5K], Cyber Judge [SV5M], Ancient Roar [SV4K], Future Flash [SV4M], and Shiny Treasure ex [SV4a].

During periods of low supply, Pokémon Japan primarily made use of lotteries and made-to-order sales to address these supply issues. However, with the booster boxes available for sale once again, it will be unlikely that such measures will have to be resorted to going forward.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Harpie’s Feather Duster card from Quarter Century Chronicle side:Pride. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.