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27th March 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Flareon Master Ball Mirror Comes In Red-Hot (Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a] 136/165)

With this card, perhaps Flareon will move a step farther out of its "siblings'" shadows.

Pokémon TCG Flareon Master Ball Mirror

No one can deny how popular Eevee and its evolutions have been ever since this iconic evolutionary family was introduced to the Pokémon series way back in Gen 1. However, there’s always been a clear “pecking order” among them—historically and even today, Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon have typically ranked on top; this also drives demand for their respective Pokémon TCG cards.

However, the release of this Flareon Master Ball Mirror card from the Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a] might change some minds among the Pokémon fanbase. The card’s striking illustration by Ryota Murayama shows the Fire-type Eeveelution unleashing an intense fiery burst. The dark background in the illustration serves to further bring out the visual impact of the flames.

Like all other Master Ball Mirror cards, this Flareon card features Master Ball prints across the card. However, what makes this card stand out is the fact that it doesn’t come in the pure red that most Fire-type Pokémon cards do. Instead, this card comes in red and gold, adding notions of class and luxury to the card’s visuals.

In addition, as one of eight Eeveelutions, completionists are likely to seek this Flareon card to complete their own set of nine (including Eevee itself).

This card’s English version is card 136/165 of the 151 [MEW] set.

One copy of a Flareon Master Ball Mirror (Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a] 136/165) card goes for 7,000 JPY (~US$46).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Grusha card from Snow Hazard [SV2P]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.