[Pokémon TCG] Latias ex (Paradise Dragona [SV7a] 087/064) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]
It's not often that there's such a huge disparity between the values of two counterpart cards.
[Update 28 Nov 2024] Following this card’s international release in Surging Sparks [SSP] and the addition of cards from that set into tournament play, this Latias ex card almost immediately emerged as a major metagame force. It has already become a key part of the Miraidon ex deck; several other decks have also seen experimentation with it.
Gameplay-wise, Latias ex’s standout feature is Skyliner, its Ability. Skyliner negates the retreat cost of all of the player’s Basic Pokémon, adding much consistency to the deck’s early-game options regardless of whether the player opts for setup or aggression.

Latias is a Pokémon best remembered for two reasons. The first is as one of the two roaming Legendary Pokémon introduced in third-generation video games Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire; Latias was exclusive to Sapphire. The second is due to its major role in Pokémon Heroes, a 2002 Pokémon anime movie in which Latias was spotlighted throughout; the movie culminated in one of the most iconic scenes in the history of the Pokémon anime. As such, it’s not all that surprising that the Special Art Rare (SAR) Latias ex cards ended up being one of the biggest gets of newly-released Pokémon TCG set Paradise Dragona [SV7a].
About Latias ex (Paradise Dragona [SV7a] 087/064)
In addition to the card’s rarity of SAR, another factor which will certainly impress buyers is the background illustration. The illustration by OKACHEKE depicts Latias ex flying at dusk over the city of Mesagoza. In the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet video games, Mesagoza is the nearest city to Area Four of the South Province; in Scarlet and Violet’s DLC The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, Latias can be encountered in Area Four if the player has obtained the Latias Treat from Snacksworth.
The Dragon/Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon is the counterpart of Latios; this fact can clearly be seen when combining this card’s illustration with that of the Art Rare (AR) Latios card from Paradise Dragona [SV7a]. This feature has elevated the value of the Latias ex card; however, it somewhat surprisingly hasn’t done likewise in the case of the Latios card.
The card’s holofoil adds further visual appeal. It brings out the impact of the sun’s rays at sunset while also making it appears as though the rays are reflecting off the surface of the river which Latias ex is flying over. This therefore makes the imagery appear more life-like and aesthetically striking.
Release Details
This card’s English version isn’t yet out.
A copy of a Latias ex (Paradise Dragona [SV7a] 087/064) card of SAR rarity goes for 10,000 JPY (~US$71) according to the latest figures.
In other TCG-related news, check out the Swords of Revealing Light card from the Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2024 Celebration Event Prize Cards. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.
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