[Pokémon TCG] Expansion Set Release: Battle Partners [SV9] [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]
There's no better way to start off 2025.
Basic Product Information
Name [Acronym] | Battle Partners [SV9] |
Release Date | 24 January 2025 |
Card Breakdown | – 100 non-secret rares – At least 28 secret rares including at least 2 Special Art Rares (SAR) |
Booster Pack Price | 180 JPY (~US$1.15) for 1 5-card pack |
Booster Box Price | 5,400 JPY (~US$34) for 1 30-pack box |
Where To Buy | Pokémon Center Online, SNKRDUNK |
About Battle Partners [SV9]
The release date of the next Pokémon TCG expansion set has been finalized. Battle Partners will be released in Japan on 24 January 2025.
Levincia Gym Leader Iono will be featured on the deck box as well as the set’s card sleeves. Also to be released alongside the set will be two Battle Files. One will feature N of Team Plasma; the other features Lillie, a major character in the storyline of Pokémon Sun and Moon.
The set will include many cards depicting Pokémon alongside their Trainers.
Battle Partners [SV9] will also be the first Pokémon TCG set with the “I” regulation mark; as such, its introduction will “retire” cards with the “F” mark from the metagame.
Notable Cards in Battle Partners [SV9]
Special Art Rare (SAR): Iono’s Bellibolt ex, Hop’s Zacian ex
Art Rare (AR): N’s Reshiram, Iono’s Kilowattrel, Lycanroc, Wailord, Furret, Maractus, Articuno, Hop’s Wooloo
Double Rare (RR): Iono’s Bellibolt ex, Lillie’s Clefairy ex, N’s Zoroark ex, Hop’s Zacian ex, Mamoswine ex, Dudunsparce ex, Volcanion ex
SAR Cards

AR Cards

RR Cards

Release Details of Battle Partners [SV9]
The Battle Partners [SV9] 5-card booster pack is priced at 180 JPY (~US$1.15); initially, it was also possible to pre-order a 30-pack booster box on the official Pokémon Center Online website starting from late evening on 23 December 2024.
Although preorders initially were scheduled to close on 23 January 2025, demand surged immediately, with queues to access the site reaching up to 2 hours on launch day. As such, the box’s initial stock ran out on 24 December.
For global customers, individual booster packs will be accessible on the SNKRDUNK website after the release date through the side panel link. Or, why not explore available Battle Partners [SV9] booster boxes, packs, and single cards via this link?
In other TCG-related news, check out the Friends in Alola card from the SM-P Promotional Cards. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.