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Sneaker Marketplace

7th May 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Go Crazy for the Fox: Braixen (Incandescent Arcana [S11a] 069/068)

Just two words—and they rhyme with "worry gate".

Pokémon TCG Braixen

With Pokémon Legends Z-A, the upcoming prequel to the sixth-generation Pokémon video games Pokémon X and Y now confirmed to be in the works, there’s been a renewal of interest in all things Gen 6-related. The Pokémon TCG is no different—and this Braixen card from Incandescent Arcana [S11a] is one of those cards that’s seen an uptick in demand.

Although Incandescent Arcana [S11a] is an eighth-generation set, the character and Pokémon depicted in the card were introduced in the sixth generation. This Character Rare (CHR) card depicts Braixen sitting next to Serena, the female protagonist of Pokémon X and Y. The Full Art illustration of the card clearly portrays the unmistakable Kalosian aesthetic in the background, evoking mental images of X and Y while also building anticipation for Legends Z-A.

The fact that Serena is featured certainly doesn’t hurt the card’s value. Almost all Full Art illustration cards with a female character are often in major demand owing to fanbase demographics—this card falls perfectly in line with that trend.

Additionally, the fact that the featured Pokémon is Braixen plays a part as well. Although middle evolutions of starters are usually less popular than the first and last forms, this isn’t the case with Braixen. Given the fact that it’s a fox with certain anthropomorphic physical traits, it might thus attract certain fans with… certain “proclivities”, let’s just say.

The English translation of this card is TG01/TG30 in the Silver Tempest set.

A Braixen (Incandescent Arcana [S11a] 069/068) card sells for 2,800 JPY (~US$18).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Groudon card from Raging Surf [SV3a]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.