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6th May 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Miraidon ex Is Back on Top After Half a Year (Violet ex [SV1V] 106/078)

The core card of a deck that's just won a major Pokémon TCG tournament for the first time since November 2023's LAIC.

Pokémon TCG Miraidon ex

Throughout the second half of 2023, Miraidon ex from the Violet ex [SV1V] set was one of the Pokémon TCG metagame’s most dominant cards. This card served as the centerpiece of decks that claimed the title at major tournaments such as Champions League Yokohama and the Pokémon Latin America International Championships (LAIC). Since then, however, Miraidon ex has fallen off from the scene’s peak—until Akira Kurasaki’s recent triumph at Champions League Sapporo with a deck built around this card.

The main use of Miraidon ex is for setup purposes. Its Ability of Tandem Unit allows the player to place two Basic Electric-type Pokémon from the deck and put them on the Bench. Preferably, one of those Pokémon would be the Iron Hands ex card from Future Flash [SV4M]—a card with which Miraidon ex combines exceptionally well.

If necessary, Miraidon ex itself is also capable of dealing serious damage. Photon Blaster hits for 220 damage for three Energy cards; its drawback of disallowing Miraidon ex from attacking on the player’s next turn isn’t a big issue either due to Miraidon ex’s low retreat cost of one Energy card.

Decks built around Miraidon ex tend to play at a rapid pace with a highly aggressive playstyle. For this reason, it’s often a good choice for first-time tournament players because such decks are relatively simple to understand and play, thus reducing the chance of the player making an error.

From a visual perspective, this Ultra Rare (UR) card comes with a gold background and border; the Paradox Pokémon is also outlined in gold. The holofoil that covers the card as well as the gold-colored theme highlight the card’s power and rarity, while the sparkle-emblazoned background highlights the unique status of the Paradox Pokémon as the box Legendary of the Pokémon Violet video game.

The English version of this card is 253/198 from the Scarlet & Violet [SV1] set.

The price of a Miraidon ex (Violet ex [SV1V] 106/078) card of UR rarity is 5,710 JPY (~US$37).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Prime Catcher card from Cyber Judge [SV5M]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.