[Pokémon TCG] 4 New Promotional Cards to Be Released in Gym Tournament Packs
There will also be three promotional reprints.
[Update 3 May 2024] The Gym Tournament Packs containing these promotional cards have now been confirmed for release in Southeast Asia as well. Those who attend Twilight Masquerade [TWM] pre-releases in Southeast Asia will receive the English version of the pack.
The only difference lies in the three promotional reprints which will be rehashed versions of Pidgeot ex from Obsidian Flames [OBF], Arven from Scarlet & Violet [SV1], and Luminous Energy from Paldea Evolved [PAL].
For the fourth consecutive year, Konami will be releasing its annual edition of the Animation Chronicle booster pack. To be launched on 22 June 2024, Animation Chronicle 2024 will—like its predecessors—primarily contain cards which were first seen in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime series.
Four new cards have been confirmed to be among seven cards to be released as part of promotional packs to be distributed at Pokémon TCG Gym tournaments held across Japan. These cards are Kilowattrel ex, Scraggy, Scrafty, and Roto-Stick.
In addition to those four cards, a further three will be re-released as promotional reprints: Mimikyu from Snow Hazard [SV2P], Rare Candy from Pokémon GO [S10b], and Iono from Clay Burst [SV2D].
While no details have yet been given on how many cards will be in each promotional pack, it’s been confirmed that at least one of the new cards or promotional reprints will be in each one.
Retail prices will only be confirmed once these cards hit the open market.
There are also no details as of yet regarding the four new cards’ international releases; however, it’s expected that they will make appearances as part of a future set.
In other TCG-related news, check out the Roaring Moon/Dudunsparce deck. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.