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24th October 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (VSTAR Universe [S12a] 259/172) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

The folks in the Pearl Clan were right.


[Update 24 Oct 2024] With the emergence of the Palkia VSTAR/Dusknoir deck, this card is no longer just a supporting piece in the Chien-Pao ex deck; it now functions as the main card of a meta-relevant deck as well.

Pokémon TCG Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR

Upon its release as part of the VSTAR Universe [S12a] Pokémon TCG expansion set, the Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR card was widely anticipated to be a major pickup for both collectors and players alike. After all, in addition to its rarity of Ultra Rare (UR), this card was also expected to be a highly viable gameplay option. It has certainly not disappointed on both fronts.

Visually, this card features an eye-catching Full Art illustration by AKIRA EGAWA. The image depicts the Legendary of Space floating above a canyon or chasm of some sort. While the illustration might not necessarily be the best portrayal of Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR’s actual powers, it’s no less striking. The card’s gold border and iridescent V symbols in the corners—colored to represent the Pokémon Pearl video game of which Palkia is the mascot—complete the imagery.

Gameplay-wise, this card’s standout feature is Star Portal, its VSTAR Power. Once per game, the player may use it for a quick power-up to any Water-type Pokémon. This has made Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR a crucial part of many decks built around Water-type Pokémon. As such, it’s no wonder that a reprint of this card will make an appearance in the Chien-Pao ex Battle Master Deck.

This card’s English version is GG67/GG70 from the Crown Zenith set.

The price of a Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (VSTAR Universe [S12a] 259/172) is 5,260 JPY (~US$34) as per the latest figures.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Linkuriboh card from Quarter Century Chronicle side:Unity. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.