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15th March 2024 EDT RELEASES

ONE PIECE Card Game: Best Deck Archetypes as of 14 March 2024

Looking for a leg up on the competition? Then try out one of these deck archetypes.


The newest changes to the ONE PIECE Card Game metagame have seen certain deck archetypes rise to prominence. While the (Yellow) Enel and (Green) Bonney decks have retained their places in the top tier, several others have climbed the ladder after the discovery and implementation of strategies that have seen them thrive within the current meta.

(Black) Gecko Moria

This deck archetype is notable for its ability to enable the player to play Thriller Bark Pirates cards rapidly. In addition, its Leader effect facilitates the removal of cards from the top of the player’s deck. Thus, even in situations where the player has no Thriller Bark Pirates cards in hand or the trash, there’s still a possibility to get some from the deck. Its titular card can eventually be used to either facilitate offense or defense depending on the situation.

(Black/Yellow) Luffy

This deck archetype was recently used by Japanese player Ryu to win a regional tournament with an undefeated 9-0 record. The deck’s Leader effect lets a player safely deploy a 2-cost card even in the game’s later stages; this card is usually either a Luffy or a yellow Sabo. Some variants of this deck also make use of a black Sabo card in order to stabilize deck rotation and add balance to the deck’s offensive and defensive qualities, depending on the situation.

(Red/Purple) Law

Starting from the midgame, this deck archetype allows for the pairing of Leader effects and Characters to devastating effects. By deploying Characters with 5,000 or more power from that stage, players can easily widen the resource gap in their favor.

This deck archetype also disrupts the opponent’s play by forcibly placing an opponent’s Character with 3,000 power or less at the bottom of the opposing deck before the player plays a Character card with a cost of 4 or less from the hand.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Pikachu Master Ball Mirror card from Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.