[Pokémon TCG] Naranja Beats Uva: Paldean Student (Shiny Treasure ex [SV4a] 345/190)
This time around, Scarlet beats Violet—by far the more valuable version of the card is the Naranja Academy iteration.
Paldean Student isn’t ordinarily the type of Pokémon TCG card that one would expect to have a significantly climbing price. However, that’s exactly what’s been happening to this supporter card from the Shiny Treasure ex [SV4a] expansion set.
A Secret Rare [SR] Full Art card, Paldean Student features four unnamed students from Paldea’s Naranja Academy. There’s actually another SR version of this card which features four other students from the Pokémon Violet-exclusive Uva Academy. In this case, it appears that Pokémon Scarlet has come out on top.
This card can be used as a tool to fill out the player’s side of the board. Paldean Student enables the player to search the deck for any Pokémon without a Rule Box and add it to the player’s hand. The number of Pokémon to be added to the hand depends on the number of Paldean Student cards already in the player’s discard pile.
This card’s English version is 230/091 from the Paldean Fates [PAF] set.
Buying a Paldean Student (Shiny Treasure ex [SV4a] 345/190) card in its SR Full Art form costs ¥8,000 (~US$54).
In other TCG-related news, check out the Yamato card from Wings of the Captain [OP-06]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.