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14th March 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Levincia (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 092/063) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

The "Iono effect" is absolutely a thing, folks.

Pokémon TCG Levincia

A Stadium card first released as part of Battle Partners [SV9], the Levincia card was reprinted in the very next set—Heat Wave Arena [SV9a]—as an Ultra Rare (UR) card. The card’s new Full Art illustration depicts the city on the Paldea region’s east coast from a perspective foregrounding the city’s Battle Court. However, the bulk of the value of this card doesn’t come from what is shown in the illustration, but what—or rather, who—isn’t shown in it.

About Levincia (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 092/063)

Levincia is the most expensive of the three UR cards in Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] for the simple reason that it’s where Electric-type specialist and the city’s Gym Leader Iono is based. The Battle Court shown is where Iono conducts her Gym battles.

Being one of the biggest fan favorites among the Pokémon fanbase and having featured on some of the most iconic cards, Iono not only always serves as a major draw to any card which she not only appears on, but even those which she doesn’t but is associated with as well—such as this one. The card’s effect which allows each player to add up to two Basic Electric Energy cards from the discard pile to the hand once per turn for as long as this card is active alludes to Iono’s status as an Electric-type specialist as well.

There’s also a Tadbulb in the bottom-right corner of the card which is implied to be Iono’s and will therefore eventually evolve into Bellibolt. Since the Iono’s Bellibolt ex card from Battle Partners [SV9] turned out to be a megahit, the addition of the Tadbulb adds a further layer of interest for many would-be buyers. Finally, the card’s border comes in the typical gold of UR cards; the outline around the illustration’s imagery has that same color.

Release Details

This card hasn’t yet been released in English.

A copy of a Levincia (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 092/063) card sells for 2,000 JPY (~US$13).

As of 14 March 2025, this card is selling at below retail price on SNKRDUNK.

Other Standout Cards in Heat Wave Arena [SV9a]

Arven’s Mabosstiff ex
Cynthia’s Garchomp ex
Ethan’s Adventure
Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex
Misty’s Psyduck
Yanmega ex

In other TCG-related news, check out the Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex card from Heat Wave Arena [SV9a]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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