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14th March 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Misty’s Psyduck (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 071/063) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

Okay, so it wasn't her Gyarados—but this'll more than suffice.

Pokémon TCG Misty's Psyduck

Despite not even being close to the rarest or most valuable of cards in Heat Wave Arena [SV9a], the Misty’s Psyduck card nevertheless generated a significant amount of buzz among the Pokémon fanbase. This was completely understandable as even though Gyarados is the Cerulean Gym Leader’s ace, for those who watched the first generation of the Pokémon anime, many would associate Misty with her Psyduck that often served as comic relief.

About Misty’s Psyduck (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 071/063)

The Full Art illustration of this Art Rare (AR) card is an overhead shot of Misty and Psyduck in a pool of some sort—one with a stone surface. Obviously, the presence of Misty will drive up demand for the card—partially for nostalgia reasons and partially for demographical ones, the latter especially so because being in water, Misty is scantily clad. The choice of Psyduck as Misty’s featured Pokémon also calls to mind the early episodes of the Pokémon anime.

From a visual standpoint, the card’s holofoil layer adds an extra dimension. It provides a spectrum-like effect which makes it seem as though light is streaming down into the water, making the card’s illustration appear more life-like.

Release Details

This card isn’t yet out in English.

The current sale price of a Misty’s Psyduck (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 071/063) card is 2,500 JPY (~US$17).

Price Graph for Misty’s Psyduck (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 071/063)

Other Standout Cards in Heat Wave Arena [SV9a]

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In other TCG-related news, check out Mega Brave [M1L] and Mega Symphonia [M1S]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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