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14th March 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Arven’s Mabosstiff ex (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 088/063) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

If you cried like a baby upon just looking at this card... nah, we won't make a wisecrack this time. We get it.

Pokémon TCG Arven's Mabosstiff ex

Path of Legends, one of three questlines in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet video games of Gen 9, centers around Arven and his gravely injured Mabosstiff. Throughout Path of Legends, the player character joins Arven in fighting Titan Pokémon in search of the five Herba Mystica which would restore his Mabosstiff’s health. It’s arguably the most emotionally charged storyline in the history of the Pokémon video games; however, the scene depicted on the Arven’s Mabosstiff card from Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] is implied to take place after the end of Path of Legends.

About Arven’s Mabosstiff ex (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 088/063)

By the time the events of the card’s Full Art illustration have taken place, Arven’s Mabosstiff has clearly been healed. For that reason as well as several others, this Special Art Rare (SAR) card is most likely to appeal to those who played Scarlet and Violet as the card also contains a second allusion to the games.

The cloth, plates, and food items shown in the lower-left corner of the illustration are implied to be on top of a picnic table; it was where Arven would feed his Mabosstiff the sandwiches containing the remarkable Herba Mystica. These were also fed to the player character’s Koraidon (in Scarlet) or Miraidon (in Violet) to unlock powers such as water travel, flight, and cliff scaling; this is part of the reason why they are called “Herba Mystica” (hint if you don’t get it: look at the initials). It’s a card that clearly conveys how much Arven was willing to go through for his beloved Pokémon.

Release Details

This card isn’t yet out in English.

The price of an Arven’s Mabosstiff ex (Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] 088/063) card is 2,600 JPY (~US$18).

Other Standout Cards in Heat Wave Arena [SV9a]

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In other TCG-related news, check out Starter Set Mega Gengar ex and Starter Set Mega Diancie ex. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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