Japan’s No.1
Sneaker Marketplace

21st February 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Promotional Hop’s Dubwool Card to Be Distributed by Best Buy USA

Admittedly a rather unconventional pick for the promotional card.


In conjunction with the upcoming release of Journey Together [JTG], Best Buy USA will begin distributing a promotional version of the Hop’s Dubwool card from that same set. The campaign starts on 28 March 2025, the launch day of Journey Together [JTG], and will continue until a date yet to be announced.

To receive the card, one must purchase at least US$15 worth of Pokémon TCG products on BestBuy.com while the campaign is active. Once this is done, the promotional Hop’s Dubwool card will be thrown in free of charge.

The Best Buy USA promotional Hop’s Dubwool card differs from the original version by the placement of the Journey Together [JTG] logo on the card’s left side.

In other TCG-related news, check out Special DON!! Set Vol.1. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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