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31st January 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Creatures Inc. Issues Statement Confirming Upcoming Terastal Festival ex [SV8a] / Battle Partners [SV9] Reprints

The reprints will be progressively rolled out across Japan from late February to April 2025, starting on a date yet to be confirmed.


Creatures Inc. recently released an official statement confirming that upcoming reprints of Terastal Festival ex [SV8a] and Battle Partners [SV9] are in the works. The reprints will be progressively rolled out across Japan from late February to April 2025; the date on which Pokémon TCG products containing the first batches of these reprinted cards will arrive in stores is yet to be confirmed.

This will be the second reprint of Terastal Festival ex [SV8a] following one which arrived on 1 January; in the case of Battle Partners [SV9], it will be the set’s first reprint.

In the statement, Creatures Inc. also affirmed their commitment to enhancing the quality of their production lines even in the absence of any public announcements on the matter.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Snake-Eyes Execute Dragon card from Alliance Insight. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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