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10th January 2025 EDT NEWS

[Pokémon TCG] Pokémon Center Taipei to Hold Lunar New Year Event

The event will be held from 11 January to 2 February and take place on-site as well as online on the Pokémon Store of PChome24h.


In conjunction with the upcoming Lunar New Year, Pokémon Center Taipei will be holding various events and promotions from 11 January to 2 February. One of these events is related to the Pokémon TCG.

About the Pokémon Center Taipei Lunar New Year Event

There are three parts of the Pokémon TCG portion of the Lunar New Year Event at Pokémon Center Taipei. First off, anyone who buys at least 20 Wild Force [SV5K], Cyber Judge [SV5M], or Crimson Haze [SV5a] booster packs in any combination while the event is active will receive a special card sleeve. The buyer can choose any sleeve worth NT$260 (~US$7.90) or less.

The second part of the event takes place online on the Pokémon Store of PChome24h but is nonetheless conducted by Pokémon Center Taipei. Anyone who buys a 30-pack booster box of Wild Force [SV5K], Cyber Judge [SV5M], or Crimson Haze [SV5a] on the Pokémon Store of PChome24h during the event will receive a special card display frame.

Finally, anyone who purchases a copy of Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic from either Pokémon Center Taipei or PCHome24h during the event’s dates will receive a 30-pack Crimson Haze [SV5a] booster box.

In other TCG-related news, check out the S:P Little Knight card from Age of Overlord. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.