[Yu-Gi-Oh TCG] New Tournament Card Restrictions Outside Japan/Asia-Pacific Effective from 9 December 2024
Three cards have now been completely banned while at the other end of the scale, 10 have had all prior restrictions removed.
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During the recent Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Anaheim, the newest list of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG card restrictions for tournament play outside Japan and Asia Pacific were announced. The new bans and restrictions came into effect the day after the tournament final—9 December 2024.
Three cards are now completely banned and are thus disallowed from being in any of a player’s tournament decks in any capacity. These three cards are Gimmick Puppet Nightmare, Jowgen the Spiritualist, and Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye.
None of these three cards had previously had any restrictions placed upon them prior to their respective bans. Notably, Jowgen the Spiritualist was first released internationally all the way back in 2003 as part of Labyrinth of Nightmare while Gimmick Puppet Nightmare’s international debut was in 2013 as part of Number Hunters; however, it was only recently that the metagame evolved in such a way that would have made the cards game-breaking.
Four cards have been moved to the restricted category, meaning that among all of a player’s registered tournament decks, only one can contain such cards. The cards in question are Tenpai Dragon Chundra, Phantom of Yubel, Sangen Kaimen, and Zoodiac Barrage.
Zoodiac Barrage had previously been completely banned but is now legal for tournament use in a limited capacity. None of the other cards had previously had any restriction of any sort imposed.
Five cards are now semi-restricted; thus, each tournament deck may contain no more than two copies of each such card. These cards are Cyber Jar, Danger?! Jackalope?, Danger?! Tsuchinoko?, Eva, and Performapal Monkeyboard. All five cards have had restrictions relaxed; they were all previously in the restricted category.
Finally, 10 cards are now fully unrestricted. The cards are as follows: Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos; Dinowrestler Pankratops; Lunalight Tiger; Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders; Rescue-ACE Airlifter; Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls; Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms; Thunder Dragon Colossus; Ib the World Chalice Justiciar; and Opening of the Spirit Gates.
All but two of the cards which are now unrestricted had previously been in the semi-restricted category. The two exceptions are Rescue-ACE Airlifter and Opening of the Spirit Gates which were in the restricted category prior to this latest update.
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