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8th July 2024 EDT NEWS

[ONE PIECE Card Game] The Blue/Yellow Queen Deck Is Making a Comeback

Although none of this deck's cards are from either of the two newest sets, the metagame changes that those sets have affected greatly enhanced this deck's gameplay viability.

ONE PIECE Card Game Blue/Yellow Queen Deck

In October and November 2023, the Blue/Yellow Queen deck was one of the strongest in the ONE PIECE Card Game metagame, obtaining high placings at many tournaments. Its subsequent fall-off, however, turned out to be steep indeed—until recently, the deck had lost close to all its prior viability due to shifts in the meta. Things are beginning to change, though. With the releases of 500 Years in the Future [OP-07] and Two Legends [OP-08], the meta has once again begun to move in this deck’s favor.

The Blue/Yellow Queen deck is a defensively-oriented deck that makes use of proactive removal for late-game stability. The idea is to set up an opportunity to play back-to-back 8-cost or 9-cost Characters while using the Leader effect of its titular card from Kingdoms of Intrigue [OP-04] to add cards to the player’s Life area.

In the early game, the deck’s most important card is Gravity Blade Raging Tiger from Wings of the Captain [OP-06]. This card pairs well with deck rearrangers by making the player less likely to brick. Additionally, if drawn in the opening hand, the combination of Kozuki Hiyori from Wings of the Captain [OP-06] and Gum-Gum Red Roc from Kingdoms of Intrigue [OP-04] is an excellent matchup against many of the leading decks in the current meta, especially when going second.

During the mid-game, the player’s deck should already be suitably rearranged, thus setting up further Gravity Blade Raging Tiger plays. This card is especially potent when played on curve. In the late game, the player would ideally play Sanji from Wings of the Captain [OP-06] into Yamato from Kingdoms of Intrigue [OP-04].

This combination is very difficult for almost any opposing deck to handle and allows Queen’s Leader effect to come into play. The player should also keep an additional 8-cost or 9-cost Character standing to prevent major cards from being swung into. When the chance arises, the player can then easily pivot to clearing the board.

This deck’s toughest matchup is the Red/Purple Law deck. Against this deck, the player should prioritize the Donquixote Doflamingo card from Romance Dawn [OP-01] and the X Drake card from Awakening of the New Era [OP-05] in the early game before subsequently focusing on Gravity Blade Raging Tiger and eventually Yamato. If going second, Hiyori also plays an important role by adding crucial cards to the player’s hand.

While this deck’s pace of play is generally fairly slow, it does speed up in the late game. Finally, due to this deck’s playstyle, it’s important to avoid swinging into the opposing Leader card too early.

The cumulative cost of all the cards in the Blue/Yellow Queen deck is at least 34,630 JPY (~US$216).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Green Bonney deck. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.