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24th March 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Yu-Gi-Oh TCG] Dragon Tail Fymena (Deck Build Pack: Justice Hunters DBJH-JP002) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

One of three Prismatic Secret Rares in Deck Build Pack: Justice Hunters.

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Dragon Tail Fymena

The newly-released Deck Build Pack: Justice Hunters introduced three card archetypes to the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG—one of which was the Dragon Tail archetype. Of these cards, the most valuable—in fact, the most valuable in the entire set—was Dragon Tail Fymena.

About Dragon Tail Fymena (Deck Build Pack: Justice Hunters DBJH-JP002)

Dragon Tail Fymena is one of just three cards in Deck Build Pack: Justice Hunters which comes in the rarity of Prismatic Secret Rare—the set’s highest rarity which was recently re-introduced to the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. In addition, the card benefits from the usual demographical value boost because it depicts a female character; the illustration further plays this up by angling her so that her chest is made more obvious.

This card also has links to several other Dragon Tail cards. Dragon Tail Fymena can be seen in the illustration of Rahu Dragon Tail. Dragon Tail Gramel is also related to this card; it’s the combined Fusion form of Dragon Tail Fymena and Dragon Tail Urgula.

Release Details

This card isn’t yet out in English.

A copy of a Prismatic Secret Rare Dragon Tail Fymena (DBJH-JP002) card has a price of 25,000 JPY (~US$167).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Pecharunt card from Super Electric Breaker [SV8]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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