These Are the Best Pokémon TCG Boxes To Buy in the First Half of 2025
Our top picks among the boxes which were just launched or are about to be.
Though it’s still fairly early in 2025, many of the Pokémon TCG product releases including booster boxes are now known; some have already been released to much fan appeal.
As of right now, these are what are known to be the best Pokémon TCG boxes which will be or have been released in 2025, which buyers could purchase.
We’ve also listed the standout cards which a buyer might potentially land from one of the booster packs in each box where applicable.
Prismatic Evolutions Pokémon Center Elite Trainer Box

Pokemon Card Game [EN Ver.] Scarlet & Violet Prismatic Evolutions Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box
Standout Cards: Umbreon ex, Sylveon ex, Espeon ex

For the purposes of this topic, we’ve specifically singled out Prismatic Evolutions [PRE], the English version of Terastal Festival ex [SV8a], because Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] was released in January 2025 while Terastal Festival ex [SV8a] was launched in December 2024.
The hype for Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] continues to be red-hot with no signs of slowing down any time soon. The fact that the sheer fan mania that its release generated on launch day made international news headlines says it all. Among the many products linked to Prismatic Evolutions [PRE], there’s no question that the most coveted of all of them is the Pokémon Center Elite Trainer Box.
As its name implies, the Pokémon Center Elite Trainer Box was initially only made available at official Pokémon Center stores—both in-person and online. It includes 11 Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] booster packs, two copies of a promotional Eevee card of which one has the Pokémon Center logo on it, and various gameplay accessories.
Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] is one of very few Pokémon TCG sets for which “God Packs”—booster packs containing many extremely rare and valuable cards—were made available; thus, there’s a possibility that someone who buys a Prismatic Evolutions Pokémon Center Elite Trainer Box will get their hands on a God Pack. On top of that, Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] is a set loaded with highly sought-after cards—in particular the Pokémon-ex versions of the Eeveelutions and especially Umbreon ex.
Battle Partners Booster Box / Journey Together Enhanced Booster Box

Pokemon Card Game Scarlet & Violet Expansion Pack “Battle Partners” Box

Pokemon Card Game [EN Ver.] Scarlet & Violet Journey Together Booster Bundle
Standout Cards: N’s Zoroark ex (Misprint), Iono’s Bellibolt ex, Lillie’s Clefairy ex

Battle Partners [SV9] built off the immense hype generated by the almost unprecedented success of Terastal Festival ex [SV8a], the set immediately before it, to become one of the biggest hits of the Pokémon TCG’s ninth generation in its own right. Having brought back Trainer’s Pokémon to the TCG after many years, Battle Partners [SV9] and its English version Journey Together [JTG] thus drew many fans who were eager to pick up cards depicting their favorite Trainers.
A booster box of Battle Partners [SV9] contains 30 booster packs of five cards each—the same as usual. However, what’s really worth noting about these packs and thus the box is the possibility of pulling a copy of an Ultra Rare (UR) N’s Zoroark card with a misprint on it. Only a selected few copies of the card came with the misprint, making the misprinted version by far the rarest and most expensive card of the entire set.
The Journey Together Enhanced Booster Box, meanwhile, contains 36 booster packs of 10 cards each as well as a promotional copy of an N’s Reshiram card. Unlike the Japanese version, the English version won’t have the misprinted N’s Zoroark card; however, there’ll still be the chance for buyers to score themselves other seriously impressive pulls such as Lillie’s Clefairy ex and Iono’s Bellibolt ex.
Blooming Waters Premium Collection

Standout Cards: Venusaur ex, Blastoise ex

Over a year and a half after its initial release, Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a] and its English version 151 [MEW] continue to feed off Pokémon oldheads’ nostalgia and thus consistently sells well at a point in its life cycle when the vast majority of sets would’ve faded into the background. For that reason, it should come as no surprise that the Blooming Waters Premium Collection has become an absolute megahit.
Within hours of the release of this item, videos of the frenzy that ensued among buyers seeking it for themselves at Costco stores and other retailers went viral on social media. While we certainly don’t condone the actions of many of the people in those videos, they nevertheless are evidence that 151 [MEW] continues to be enormously popular not only among those who grew up with Gen 1, but even younger collectors as well.
Highlighted by two Special Illustration Rares from 151 [MEW]—Venusaur ex and Blastoise ex—as well as holofoil Bulbasaur and Squirtle cards from the same set, the Blooming Waters Premium Collection also includes 12 booster packs containing 151 [MEW] cards, a jumbo version of the Blastoise ex card just mentioned, and a code card for Pokémon TCG Live.
Destined Rivals Booster Box

Standout Cards: Cynthia’s Garchomp ex, Rocket’s Mewtwo ex

Destined Rivals, an upcoming English set which will include English translations of cards from Japanese sets Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] and the hotly-anticipated The Glory of Team Rocket, will be released on 18 April 2025. Many of the details on the Destined Rivals booster box, however, aren’t in yet.
There’s a good chance that the Destined Rivals booster box will outperform its Japanese counterparts as The Glory of Team Rocket booster boxes won’t include any Heat Wave Arena [SV9a] cards while Heat Wave Arena [SV9a], though it does have some level of fan appeal, isn’t regarded as a truly epic set in the way The Glory of Team Rocket and Destined Rivals are.
Being an English version of a combination of two Japanese sets, Destined Rivals will not only include Rocket’s Pokémon, but also Trainer’s Pokémon belonging to Arven, Cynthia, Misty, and Ethan—handing a nice “bonus” to even those who are initially there for just Cynthia, Misty, or Team Rocket. Like the Blooming Waters Premium Collection, this booster box is sure to deliver an infusion of nostalgia to buyers and will surely be a highly coveted product once it arrives.
Black Bolt / White Flare Booster Box
Standout Cards: Reshiram, Zekrom
On the topic of nostalgia, that’s the entire appeal of upcoming Japanese dual set Black Bolt and White Flare. Black Bolt and White Flare are intended to be the spiritual successors to Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a]. Just as Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a] gave the modern-day treatment to Gen 1, Black Bolt and White Flare will do the same with Gen 5. Needless to say, Pokémon fans who grew up with Pokémon’s fifth generation which ran from 2010 to 2013 will be excitedly anticipating this majorly hyped dual set.
Black Bolt and White Flare will be headlined by a Reshiram and a Zekrom card—a direct reference to the two Legendary Pokémon’s status as the box Legendaries of the fifth-generation Pokémon Black and White video games. The set will also include cards featuring every Pokémon introduced in Gen 5.
Although none of the details about Black Bolt and White Flare booster boxes have yet been confirmed, there’s a decent chance that Master Ball Mirror cards and God Packs will be brought back in them. That’s because Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a] had God Packs; thus, if Black Bolt and White Flare are truly intended to emulate Pokémon Card 151 [SV2a], it’s entirely possible that Creatures Inc. will add these elements to the sets.
For a more comprehensive selection of Pokémon TCG boxes, try browsing the SNKRDUNK App. Whichever box from the list you might be interested in, you can be certain that we’ll have it ready for you.
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