Get Hyped for Pokémon Legends: Z-A and Return to Lumiose City With These Cards
These cards linked to Pokémon Legends Z-A are among the standout pickups to mark the Pokémon video games' return to the Kalos region.
By far the biggest announcement of the Pokémon Presents livestream held on 27 February 2025 (Pokémon Day 2025) was the reveal of major information about upcoming spin-off video game Pokémon Legends: Z-A via a trailer.
What Is Pokémon Legends: Z-A?

To be released in late 2025 as a Nintendo Switch exclusive, Pokémon Legends: Z-A will be a sequel to Pokémon X and Y, the main-series video games of Pokémon’s sixth generation. Set in Lumiose City, the largest city of the Kalos region, Pokémon Legends: Z-A will have a storyline centered around the planned redevelopment of Lumiose City by Quasartico Inc. who claim to be seeking to make Lumiose City a place where humans and Pokémon will be able to coexist peacefully.
Pokémon Legends: Z-A will reintroduce Mega Evolution to the Pokémon video games; it had previously been discontinued at the end of Gen 7. It will also feature a real-time combat system instead of the Pokémon franchise’s usual turn-based one.
Though in the grand scheme of things, not much about Pokémon Legends: Z-A has been revealed as of yet, there’s already been enough shown to know what are some of the Pokémon and human characters who will be prominently featured in the game.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some Pokémon TCG cards which have connections to Pokémon Legends: Z-A.
Zygarde GX (GX Ultra Shiny [SM8b] 225/150) (PSA 10 Price: ~US$65)

Zygarde GX SSR[SM8b 225/150](High Class Pack”GX Ultra Shiny”)
Starting off our list is Zygarde, the box Legendary of Pokémon Legends: Z-A. In seventh-generation set GX Ultra Shiny [SM8b], the Dragon/Ground-type Legendary is shown at its full power; Zygarde GX is depicted in its Complete Forme on this reprint of a card first seen in Forbidden Light [SM6]. Additionally, it’s the Shiny form of Zygarde which features on this card’s Full Art illustration just as was the case with many other cards from the set, which as its name implied, was centered around Shiny Pokémon.
Like many of the other cards in GX Ultra Shiny [SM8b] which showcase Shiny Pokémon, this Zygarde GX card comes in the rarity of Shiny Secret Rare (SSR). The card’s sparkle-filled background is a reference to the Pokémon video games in which a similar visual effect is shown when a Shiny Pokémon is brought into combat; when this is combined with the card’s rarity as well as the fact that the card depicts a Shiny Pokémon, it can be seen how together, these factors elevate the card’s overall value.
Meganium (SoulSilver Collection [L1] 009/070) (PSA 10 Price: ~US$97)

Meganium: Mirror[L1-S 009/070](Expansion Pack “SoulSilver Collection”)
One of the three Starter Pokémon of Pokémon Legends: Z-A will be Chikorita—a Pokémon which over the years has unfortunately been often maligned by the Pokémon fandom. Prior to this, one of its other highlights was a card depicting the final form of the Gen 2 Grass-type Starter’s evolutionary line: the Meganium card from fourth-generation set SoulSilver Collection [L1].
This Super Rare Holo card displays a side of Meganium that isn’t commonly shown; the Herb Pokémon is shown with a menacing look as it’s primed to attack. This imagery is a stark contrast to most depictions of the usually mild-mannered Meganium, giving this card a level of novelty. Of course, the main reason behind the bulk of this card’s value is its rarity; Super Rare Holo is the highest rarity of dual set HeartGold Collection [L1] and SoulSilver Collection [L1]. Topping it all off is the layer of mirror holofoil that covers the card.
AZ (Phantom Gate [XY4] 093/088) (PSA 10 Price: ~US$114)

AZ SR :1ED [XY4 093/088](Expansion Pack “Phantom Gate”)
Best known outside the Pokémon fandom as the person from the “It’s been 3,000 years” meme, AZ will again appear in Pokémon Legends: Z-A—this time as the owner of Hotel Z. Many fans were taken aback by his new characterization—clearly completely different from his role in Pokémon X and Y in which he was revealed to be the creator of the so-called “ultimate weapon”.
Only one AZ card has ever been printed; however, its Super Rare (SR) version from Phantom Gate [XY4] is certainly an impressive pull. It features a Full Art illustration by Naoki Saito depicting AZ holding a Poké Ball between two fingers of his left hand. The look in AZ’s eyes likely conveys the depth of his longing for his beloved Floette—his first Pokémon which left him after AZ used the ultimate weapon to destroy both warring factions of a conflict that had engulfed all of Kalos.
Feraligatr δ (Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends 026/068) (PSA 10 Price: ~US$280)

Feraligatr Delta Species [PCG9 026/068](Expansion Pack “The Offense and Defense of the End”)
Before Terastallization was introduced to the Pokémon video games in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the Pokémon TCG explored the idea of type-shifted Pokémon all the way back in Gen 3 via Delta Species cards. One such card was the Electric-type Feraligatr δ card from Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends—a card which might see revived interest because Totodile, Feraligatr’s first form, will be one of the Starter Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Z-A.
On this Rare Holo card’s illustration, an electrical current can be seen crackling all over the now Electric-type Feraligatr δ; this is also a nod to Feraligatr δ’s Poké-Body of Battle Aura. In addition to the card’s rarity and striking illustration, the holofoil that covers the card adds further aesthetic impact by illuminating the electricity surrounding Feraligatr δ and making it look more realistic as it prepares to attack.
Emboar (Hail Blizzard [BW3] 056/052) (PSA 10 Price: ~US$284)

Emboar UR :1ED [BW3 056/052](Expansion Pack “Hail Blizzard”)
Much like Meganium, Emboar is often panned by the Pokémon fandom; it’s arguably the least popular final form of a Starter Pokémon of all time. However, those who were quick to criticize Gen 5’s Fire-type Starter might now be having second thoughts after its first form Tepig was confirmed as a Pokémon Legends: Z-A Starter—if this Ultra Rare (UR) card from fifth-generation TCG set Hail Blizzard [BW3] hadn’t already changed their minds, that is.
Being one of its set’s rarest cards, this card—a reprint of a card originally from Black Collection [BW1] is an inherent attention-grabber. It’s also the Shiny version of Emboar being shown; this is another factor enhancing the card’s value. This Shiny color scheme is also enhanced by the illustration as the artwork shows Emboar’s flames glowing blue in front of a fiery background, highlighting the extent of Emboar’s incendiary powers.
Beyond these cards just listed, there are even more on the SNKRDUNK App which have connections to Pokémon Legends: Z-A. Lumiose City awaits you—and so do these cards.
Chikorita / Meganium
Totodile / Croconaw / Feraligatr
Mega Evolution will also be returning to both the video games and TCG; you can browse our standout Mega-Evolved Pokémon TCG picks here.
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