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18th February 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Blissey ex (Mask of Change [SV6] 121/101) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

Is this card a tank? An Energy-ramping card? A draw engine? Yes.

Pokémon TCG Blissey ex

Having taken advantage of the monumental rotation-induced changes in the Pokémon TCG metagame, Masaya Fujimoto took the Blissey ex deck to a third-place finish at Champions League Fukuoka. Like many other defensive linchpin cards, the deck’s titular card from Mask of Change [SV6] has seen its gameplay viability soar in the new meta.

About Blissey ex (Mask of Change [SV6] 121/101)

Blissey ex emulates its video game counterpart with a massive HP total of 300. Adding to this is its weakness to Fighting—one of the least frequently used attacking types in the new Pokémon TCG meta; as such, Blissey ex is one of the tankiest cards in any tournament deck right now. On top of that, its Ability of Happy Switch provides Energy flexibility, allowing the player to power up as necessary whatever Pokémon is to attack next. Blissey ex itself can dish out the hits too; Return inflicts 180 damage for three Energy cards while also allowing the player to draw cards until a total of 6 are in hand.

This Super Rare (SR) card has a simple yet appealing Full Art illustration. Blissey ex is shown in front of a pale pink background matching its own color scheme; the pink circles across the background enhance the aesthetics. Blissey ex itself is outlined in teal, providing an element of visual contrast to PLANETA Tsuji’s illustration.

Release Details

In English, this card is card 201/167 from Twilight Masquerade [TWM].

A copy of a Blissey ex (Mask of Change [SV6] 121/101) card is relatively inexpensive, coming in at 770 JPY (~US$5.07).

Price Graph for Blissey ex (Mask of Change [SV6] 121/101)

Pokémon TCG Blissey ex

In other TCG-related news, check out the Feraligatr Master Ball Mirror card from Terastal Festival ex [SV8a]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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