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25th January 2025 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Buneary Master Ball Mirror (Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] 083/131) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

There are two types of Pokémon fan: those who see Buneary as "just Buneary" and those who see Buneary as "what Lopunny evolves from"...

Pokémon TCG Buneary Master Ball Mirror

Among the Pokémon fandom in general, Buneary has two main claims to fame. The first regards its prominent role in the Pokémon anime’s fourth generation (seasons 10 to 13). Belonging to Pokémon Coordinator Dawn, the female protagonist of those seasons of the anime, Buneary was shown to have an unrequited crush on Ash’s Pikachu. The second of these is the fact that Buneary evolves into Lopunny—and to put it one way, “those who know, know”.

In any case, it’s for these reasons and more that the Buneary Master Ball Mirror card from Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] is one of the set’s most desired cards.

About Buneary Master Ball Mirror (Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] 083/131)

This card has a Master Ball print on the lower half of the card as well as a “cracked ice” holofoil design; both visual features typify Master Ball Mirror cards. Although this card has previously been released in Japanese in Generations Start Deck Dialga ex & Lucario ex, that card wasn’t a Master Ball Mirror card. Buneary’s only Master Ball Mirror version is in English; specifically, this Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] card.

In the card’s illustration, the towering Mt. Coronet—the highest peak in the Sinnoh region—looms large in the background. This is apt for a card originally from a Start Deck centered around Gen 4 which was set in Sinnoh; Mt. Coronet is itself regarded in-universe as a symbol of the region. The juxtaposition of Mt. Coronet with the close-up image of Buneary sitting on the grassy ground of Eterna Forest adds contrast and depth to the imagery while also adding a detail which those well-versed with the Pokémon universe would be impressed by.

Release Details

This card’s Master Ball Mirror version only exists in English; in Japanese, it doesn’t have a Master Ball Mirror version.

A Buneary Master Ball Mirror (Prismatic Evolutions [PRE] 083/131) card goes for 2,870 JPY (~US$19) as of the latest figures.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Switch Cart card from Time Gazer [S10D]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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