[ONE PIECE Card Game] ONE PIECE DAY Dallas -Card Game Celebration-
For the first time, ONE PIECE DAY makes its way outside Japan; it's also the first time the event will be centered around the ONE PIECE Card Game.
Since 2017, an annual ONE PIECE DAY event has been held in Japan. Now, for the very first time, the event honoring the world’s most popular manga series of all time goes abroad. To be held at Fair Park in Dallas, ONE PIECE DAY Dallas -Card Game Celebration- will see thousands of One Piece fans converge in Texas for the first international ONE PIECE DAY event—and as is implied by its full name, it’s also the first time that there’ll be a ONE PIECE DAY event specifically focused on the ONE PIECE Card Game.
ONE PIECE DAY Dallas -Card Game Celebration- will take place on 8-9 March. All attendees will receive three cards: a Monkey D. Luffy card from The Three Captains [ST-10], a Roronoa Zoro card from 500 Years in the Future [OP-07], and a DON!! card featuring Uta alongside a stylized manga version of Ado, the J-pop singer who was Uta’s singing voice in One Piece Film: Red. All three cards will be in English.
There will be an event-exclusive product sold: the Illustration Box EX. Its price will be US$19.99. There will also be ONE PIECE Card Game illustration gallery featuring some of the most notable card illustrations.
The first tournament of the ONE PIECE Card Game’s 2025 season will also be held at ONE PIECE DAY Dallas -Card Game Celebration-. That tournament is the first of the Championship 25-26 Offline Regional Season 1 tournaments. Also to be held will be side events; the details of these side events haven’t yet been revealed.
In other TCG-related news, check out the Special Card Set Happiness: Eeveelution. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.
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