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31st December 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Yu-Gi-Oh TCG] Cyber Jar (World Ranking Promos: Series 1 PC1-004) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]

Back in tournament decks in Japan and Asia-Pacific after nearly 19 years.

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Cyber Jar

Cyber Jar was first banned from Yu-Gi-Oh TCG tournament play in Japan and Asia-Pacific in March 2004 before being unbanned six months later. This unban, however, wouldn’t last—due to changes in the metagame back then, Konami banned Cyber Jar from tournament decks in in Japan and Asia-Pacific in March 2006, then elsewhere a month later.

For many years, it seemed as though Cyber Jar would be forever banned; many in the community were skeptical about the prospect of having it reintroduced to tournament decks. This, however, changed when after more than 16 years, Cyber Jar was once again made tournament-legal outside Japan and Asia-Pacific. Now, this card is about to make its return in the East following a ban of almost 19 years.

About Cyber Jar (World Ranking Promos: Series 1 PC1-004)

As of right now, the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG metagame is in a position in which Cyber Jar is no longer even close to being as obviously overpowered as it once was. In fact, some have even gone so far as to claim that Konami could have made Cyber Jar completely unrestricted and it still wouldn’t even have made that significant of an impact on the current tournament scene.

The main reason why Cyber Jar was unbanned was because the card requires much setup; many hand trap cards serve as viable counterplay options. This is especially pertinent because the pace of an average Yu-Gi-Oh TCG game is much faster than it was back in 2006 when this card began its 19-year blacklisting. In addition, almost all competitive decks today fit certain archetypes; this wasn’t the case when this card was banned all those years ago. The relative lack of archetypal decks back then made many matchups excessively favorable in the Cyber Jar player’s favor; however, this is no longer the case.

Cyber Jar hasn’t received a reprint since 2011; however, there are nonetheless multiple versions of the card. Of the six Cyber Jar versions, the most impressive from a collectability standpoint is the Normal Parallel Rare card from World Ranking Promos: Series 1. Interestingly enough, this is also a case of a card in which its gameplay status has impacted its standing with collectors as its biggest claim to fame is indeed being one of the cards banned for longer than almost any other.

Release Details

This card is already out in English.

A Normal Parallel Rare Cyber Jar (World Ranking Promos: Series 1 PC1-004) card is actually very affordable; a copy costs just 230 JPY (~US$1.47).

In other TCG-related news, check out the promotional Tony Tony Chopper card. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.

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