[Yu-Gi-Oh TCG] Gem-Knight Nepyrim (Terminal World 2 TW02-JP043) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]
Among the most sought-after new additions to the Gem-Knight archetype.

Among the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG card archetypes spotlighted in Terminal World 2 was the Gem-Knight archetype. The set brought with it many reprints of existing Gem-Knight cards as well as five new ones. Of these new Gem-Knight cards, two could come in Quarter Century Secret Rare; one of those two was Gem-Knight Nepyrim.
About Gem-Knight Nepyrim (Terminal World 2 TW02-JP043)
Being a Quarter Century Secret Rare card, this card’s high rarity level serves as an inherent draw to buyers and undoubtedly elevates the card’s value. On top of that, the card features a female character; this will also bring in more demand for the card due to the general demographics of the fanbase.
It’s also worth pointing out that this card’s original ATK and DEF match those of Constellar Sombre. This is a reference to the card’s status as a counterpart of Constellar Sombre; the artwork also makes this point clear. Gem-Knight Nepyrim has the same crystal of Creation on its chest as Constellar Sombre does; the two characters also share a pose. Even both illustration backgrounds have the same sparkles with similar visual emphasis added by the card’s holofoil.
Release Details
This card hasn’t yet been released in English.
Buying a Gem-Knight Nepyrim (Terminal World 2 TW02-JP043) card will cost 6,000 JPY (~US$39).
In other TCG-related news, check out the Fabled Lurrie card from Terminal World 2. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.
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