[Pokémon TCG] Zebstrika (SV-P Promotional Cards 212/SV-P) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]
The latest of the CoroCoro Ichiban promotional cards.

The January 2025 issue of animanga magazine CoroCoro Ichiban will be released on 21 November 2024. It will come with an all-new promotional Pokémon TCG card featuring Zebstrika.
About Zebstrika (SV-P Promotional Cards 212/SV-P)
The promotional Zebstrika card will come bundled with each copy of the January 2025 issue of CoroCoro Ichiban. It will come in holofoil and have the logo of CoroCoro Ichiban on it as well as that of Pokémon Fan, a Pokémon-related magazine.
Although this card will not be bundled with any issue of Pokémon Fan, the Pokémon Fan logo is there because Pokémon Fan is closely linked to CoroCoro Ichiban. Both magazines come from the same publisher.
Since this is a promotional card linked to both CoroCoro Ichiban and Pokémon Fan, this card will likely garner much interest. The two logos which are present on each copy of the card add to this effect by identifying this card as a promotional card that came with the magazine.
Release Details
This card isn’t likely to ever be released in English.
The price of a Zebstrika (SV-P Promotional Cards 212/SV-P) card will only be confirmed once copies start being sold on the open market.
In other TCG-related news, check out the Eevee card from the SVP Black Star Promos. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.
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