[Pokémon TCG] Iron Thorns ex (Crimson Haze [SV5a] 081/066) [Release Date/Price/Where To Buy]
It wouldn't have been all that surprising to many to see an Iron Thorns ex card in this year's World Championship-winning deck—but surely very few saw anything quite like this coming.
[Update 14 Feb 2025] This card is now an important part of a new Dragapult ex deck build. The idea is to keep Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot for as long as possible in order to grind the tempo of the game all the way down. A slower game pace is highly advantageous for all Dragapult ex deck variants including Dragapult ex/Iron Thorns ex.

Prior to the 2024 Pokémon TCG World Championships, the Iron Thorns ex card from Crimson Haze [SV5a] was better known as a supporting piece rather than the core card of a top-tier metagame deck. Iron Thorns ex cards were usually seen in the Lost Zone Box deck, Iron Hands ex/Iron Crown ex, and Miraidon ex deck. However, once Fernando Cifuentes took an Iron Thorns ex deck to the world title, it became obvious that this is a card that unquestionably can indeed carry a deck.
About Iron Thorns ex (Crimson Haze [SV5a] 081/066)
When used as the centerpiece of a deck, Iron Thorns ex goes it alone—there are no other Pokémon in an Iron Thorns ex deck. This is because its Volt Cyclone attack powers up the other Iron Thorns ex cards on the player’s Bench by moving one of the Active Iron Thorns ex’s Energy cards to one of those on the Bench. Once paired with Future Booster Energy Capsule from Future Flash [SV4M] for pivoting purposes, the multiple Iron Thorns ex cards are able to consistently deal damage in spite of the card’s high retreat cost.
From a visual perspective, PLANETA Mochizuki’s Full Art illustration shown on this Super Rare (SR) card highlights this Pokémon’s status as a Future Paradox Pokémon. The futuristic counterpart of Tyranitar is shown in front of a background with a sci-fi inspired aesthetic. This might also allude to the fact that Iron Thorns ex is an Electric-type Pokémon.
Release Details
The English version of this card is card 196/167 from Twilight Masquerade [TWM].
A copy of an Iron Thorns ex (Crimson Haze [SV5a] 081/066) card of SR rarity isn’t that expensive, coming in at just 600 JPY (~US$4.08).
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