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25th July 2024 EDT NEWS

[ONE PIECE Card Game] Analysis of the Metagame As of 24 July 2024

Here's how recent trends in the metagame have been impacting tournament play.


With Wave 1 of the Championship 2024 season coming to a close in Japan and Asia-Pacific and with Wave 2 in full swing elsewhere, the ONE PIECE Card Game metagame has seen certain changes take place since our most recent review. These changes have been the impact of more metagame options regarding newly-released cards and sets as well as the imposition of card bans in regions outside Japan and Asia-Pacific.

The Red/Purple Law deck is unquestionably running the meta right now. Especially since the release of Two Legends [OP-08] in Japan and Asia-Pacific, it’s just been tournament victory after tournament victory for players wielding this deck—new additions in that set sent this deck’s potential into the stratosphere. Meanwhile, although Two Legends [OP-08] hasn’t yet dropped elsewhere, it’s still been accumulating impressive results over that same timespan. There’s now much speculation that one or more key cards from the Red/Purple Law deck will soon be banned from tournament play.

The deck which has been most commonly seen in recent tournament play is the Black Lucci deck. Since the latest metagame update, more than a quarter of all recorded tournament decks have been a Black Lucci deck. That being said, the usage numbers might be slightly juiced because the Black Lucci deck does have a somewhat favorable mirror matchup.

Recent meta trends have also begun to favor decks which extend the game to eventually set up their biggest hitters. Such decks include the Yellow Enel and Blue Doflamingo decks. Aside from the Yellow Enel deck’s unexpected dip in results at recent Regional tournaments in Europe, these two decks have both been gaining traction and are likely to continue doing so in the near future.

The Green Bonney deck is an interesting case right now. Though it’s consistently been making it deep in tournaments, the deck has no major recent tournament victories to its name—a possible sign that its ceiling could be somewhat limited as the meta currently stands. Despite this, it still has to be mentioned that several tournaments over the past month saw more Green Bonney decks advance to the final stages than any other deck archetypes. Thus, there’s obviously still a place in the meta for a deck that’s arguably becoming underrated.

Finally, though not the most common tournament pick, the Black/Yellow Luffy deck does see use as an effective counterpick for the mirror matchup, Black Lucci deck, and the Black Moria deck which has fallen off tremendously—the Black Moria deck has gone from the top of the meta to almost non-existent in tournaments’ later rounds. That, however, has in turn actually harmed the effectiveness of the Black/Yellow Luffy deck. The more this trend continues, the less Black/Yellow Luffy decks are likely to be seen.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Blue Doflamingo deck. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.