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24th July 2024 EDT NEWS

[ONE PIECE Card Game] New Cards Have Resurrected the Red Zoro Deck

Reloaded with key cards from Two Legends [OP-08], it's back after almost half a year of close to total metagame irrelevance.

ONE PIECE Card Game Red Zoro Deck

A long-time staple of the ONE PIECE Card Game metagame, shifts in tactical patterns around the world altered the meta to a point that it rendered the Red Zoro deck largely unviable in many tournaments.

Since February 2024, this deck centered the very first ONE PIECE Card Game card ever released has seldom been seen in the late stages of tournaments. However, with the recent release of Two Legends [OP-08], that’s changing—the Red Zoro deck has now made a comeback.

Why has Two Legends [OP-08] caused the Red Zoro deck to bounce back? Well, it’s because the set introduced not one, not two, not three, but four cards that have re-established this deck’s capabilities in tournament play.

Of these four, the most important is the Tony Tony Chopper card which enables the player to deploy a Character card when entering the field of play. It pairs well with the Just Shut Up and Come with Us!!!! card from the Extra Booster Memorial Collection [EB-01]. Together, these card can tilt the balance of the board in the player’s favor.

Of course, that Chopper card has to be brought out before it can be used. That’s where another Two Legends [OP-08] card comes in: Dr. Kureha. The Dr. Kureha card allows the player to add the Chopper card to the player hand if Chopper is in the top four cards of the player’s deck.

For further draw engine options, Nami from Romance Dawn [OP-01] can be used to land either that same Chopper card or any of the deck’s other Straw Hat Crew cards. Other Two Legends [OP-08] cards in the revamped version of the Red Zoro deck include Robson and Hiking Bear.

The cards to prioritize when mulliganing are Dr. Kureha, Nami, and Just Shut Up and Come with Us!!!!. This way, as many copies of the Two Legends [OP-08] Chopper card as possible can be in play at the same time. Mulliganing for these cards will also help with accessing resources at key junctures of the game.

When going second, the most important of these three cards is Just Shut Up and Come with Us!!!!. This is because going second puts the player in a position from which it’s easier to get the most out of its effect following activation.

Buying all the cards in a Red Zoro deck costs a minimum of 7,800 JPY (~US$50).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Crown Zenith: Sea & Sky Box. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.