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14th June 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Unfair Stamp Is Worth the Early-Game Sacrifice (Crimson Haze [SV5a] 053/066)

A card to be used ASAP.

Pokémon TCG Unfair Stamp

Sometimes, a well-placed “bait” can change the entire complexion of a Pokémon TCG game. That’s the whole idea behind Unfair Stamp—a card from Crimson Haze [SV5a] that’s become among the most prominent ACE SPEC cards in today’s metagame.

While this card has seen some use in other decks, the most notable use of Unfair Stamp is in the new Gardevoir ex deck variant that’s recently taken over the Pokémon TCG. To use it, at least one of the player’s Pokémon must have just suffered a KO. Playing the card requires both players to shuffle their respective hands into their decks. The player then draws five cards while the opponent draws just two.

As such, the player can trigger the use of Unfair Stamp by sacrificing one of the multiple low-HP Basic Pokémon in the deck. Ideally, this should be done as early as possible because the earlier Unfair Stamp is used, the more potent it is. That’s because early in the game, the opponent will have more cards in the deck. In the late-game, the opponent will likely already be rid of many unnecessary cards and have more opportunities for setup.

After the player uses Unfair Stamp in the early game, the opponent is more likely to be left stranded with an unplayable hand. This in turn can set up opportunities for the player to pick up vital early-game KO’s—and sometimes even leave the opponent in a position from which a comeback is all but impossible.

The English translation of this card is card 165/167 in the Twilight Masquerade [TWM] set.

Costing a mere 470 JPY (~US$3), a copy of an Unfair Stamp (Crimson Haze [SV5a] 053/066) card is highly affordable.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Eldlich the Golden Lord card from TACTICAL-TRY DECK: Adelantado: Eldlich. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.