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14th June 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] The True Value of This Cosmoem Card Lies in the Trainer, Not the ‘Mon (25th Anniversary Collection [S8a] 015/028)

Despite being relatively valuable, this Cosmoem card's value doesn't have much to do with Cosmoem itself.

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Pokémon TCG Cosmoem

When Cosmog and its evolution Cosmoem were introduced in Pokémon’s seventh generation, their debuts caused quite a stir among the fanbase. This was because Cosmog and Cosmoem, along with Type: Null, were the first-ever Legendary Pokémon which were capable of evolving. However, despite this novelty factor in play, that wasn’t the main reason why the Cosmoem Pokémon TCG card from the 25th Anniversary Collection [S8a] proved to be a major get.

The Cosmoem depicted in this card’s illustration is none other than Nebby, the Cosmoem owned by Lillie in the Pokémon Sun and Moon video games. Not only is Lillie a key character of those games, a fan favorite, and a beneficiary of the usual value boost inherent in most cards depicting female characters—Lillie also occupies an iconic place specific to the history of the Pokémon TCG.

In the context of the Pokémon TCG, Lillie is best known for being on one of the most iconic cards ever—the mega-rare, mega-expensive promotional Extra Battle Day card from 2019 that to this day still sells for thousands of dollars per card. Thus, Lillie’s mere presence on this card instantly elevates its value.

Additionally, this card is a Mirror print. This not only gives the card a unique visual effect; Mirror print versions of cards are far rarer than their ordinary versions. Thus, being a Mirror print jacks up the card’s value in two different ways. Finally, being a card from a set created to honor a significant milestone of the Pokémon TCG is also a value-driving factor in play.

In English, this card is 014/025 from the Celebrations set.

The sale price of a Cosmoem (25th Anniversary Collection [S8a] 015/028) card in its Mirror print form is 6,980 JPY (~US$44) as per the latest figures.

In other TCG-related news, check out the Dark Powers ex Special Collection. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.