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3rd May 2024 EDT NEWS

[ONE PIECE Card Game] The Black/Yellow Luffy Deck Is a High-Synergy Powerhouse

A deck heavily utilizing several cards from newer sets, its popularity in tournament play has been on the rise.


When the Three Brothers’ Bond [ST-13] ONE PIECE Card Game Starter Deck was released, it soon became obvious that its standout card was the Monkey D. Luffy card which would go on to become the Leader card used in a deck that’s now become a metagame staple. Most recently, this deck was used by Tanadon Teethapong to win one of the April 2024 Flagship Battle tournaments in Thailand.

The Luffy card from The Three Brothers’ Bond [ST-13] provides matchup advantages against many leader cards with power levels in the 7,000 to 9,000 range, supplies a card recycling option, and pairs well with Sabo from Kingdoms of Intrigue [OP-04] and Moria from Wings of the Captain [OP-06].

Sabo adds defensive capabilities which this deck would otherwise lack. Moria, meanwhile, allows players to build their side of the board without overconsuming resources. The synergy between the three cards mention gives the deck an impressive level of stability and consistency—especially for a two-color deck.

Ordinarily, this deck would struggle when up against a Green Bonney deck. That’s where two Kuzan cards—both from Paramount War [OP-02]—come in. The idea is to play the 4-cost Kuzan card as much as possible, then play the 10-cost Kuzan card when the opportunity arises for a potential game-winning play. The use of the Monkey D. Luffy card from 500 Years in the Future [OP-07] can also be of assistance here.

When mulliganing, the cards to prioritize are the Monkey D. Luffy and Monkey D. Garp cards from The Three Brothers’ Bond [ST-13] unless playing against a Green Bonney deck. If such is the case, seek out Moria from Wings of the Captain [OP-06], both Kuzan cards, and the 500 Years in the Future [OP-07] version of Monkey D. Luffy.

The cumulative cost of all the cards in a Black/Yellow Luffy deck is a minimum of 71,250 JPY (~US$458).

In other TCG-related news, check out the ex Starter Decks: Generations collection. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.