[Pokémon TCG] Reshiram & Zekrom GX Display Unova’s True Might (Dream League [SM11b] 036/049)
And once again, Kyurem gets shafted.
The box Legendaries of the Pokémon Black and White video games, Reshiram and Zekrom were brought back in an eye-catching manner in the seventh-generation Dream League [SM11b] Pokémon TCG expansion set. Reshiram & Zekrom GX, a Double Rare (RR) card, has seen its value increase rapidly in recent times.
The card depicts the two Legendary Dragon-type Pokémon of Unova primed for attack. In terms of game mechanics, this is somewhat fitting as this is a TAG TEAM card which implies that both Pokémon are about to attack the opponent at the same time.
This card also includes a reference to the video games. Players who have just used the N’s Resolve Supporter card will benefit from a bonus to Reshiram & Zekrom GX’s Cross Break-GX attack which will likely pick off an additional Benched Pokémon on the opponent’s side.
This alludes to the climax of Pokémon Black and White when N summons either Reshiram or Zekrom depending on the version being played. N himself can also be seen on the card, though not in the form of a close-up.
In English, this card is card 157/236 from the Cosmic Eclipse set.
The price of a Reshiram & Zekrom GX (Dream League [SM11b] 036/049) card of RR rarity is ¥4,000 (~US$27).
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