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12th March 2024 EDT RELEASES

[Pokémon TCG] Don’t Be Ghosted by Morty’s Conviction (Wild Force [SV5K] 097/071)

This does bring up the question—what would be Morty's first reaction if he were to come across Flutter Mane?

Pokémon TCG Morty's Conviction

While Morty’s first appearance in the Pokémon series was in his capacity as the Ecruteak Gym Leader in the Pokémon Gold and Silver video games, of greater relevance to the presence of the Morty’s Conviction card in the Wild Force [SV5K] Pokémon TCG expansion set is the Ghost-type specialist’s links to the Legendary Beasts of Johto. With the ancient Paradox forms of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune now present in the Pokémon TCG and video games, this card was likely added to allude to that connection.

On the surface, this card’s Special Art Rare (SAR) appears to bear a fairly stock Full Art illustration depicting Morty alongside Gengar, his signature Pokémon. However, what really makes the card’s artwork stand out is its interplay with the holofoil. Covering the illustration dominated by shades of purple, the holofoil gives the card a somewhat supernatural, eerie feel apt for a Ghost-type expert and his Pokémon.

The nostalgia factor can’t be overlooked either. Since Morty is best known for his appearances in the second-generation main-series Pokémon video games as well as their fourth-generation remakes Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, those who have been Pokémon fans for many years—think close to two decades or more than that, even—will likely be drawn to this card.

This card has an English translation that’s already been launched; it’s card 211/162 of the Temporal Forces [TEF] set.

Purchasing a Morty’s Conviction (Wild Force [SV5K] 097/071) card of SAR rarity costs ¥7,480 (~US$51).

In other TCG-related news, check out the Bianca’s Devotion card from Cyber Judge [SV5M]. Alternatively, you can also head over to the SNKRDUNK App via the banner below and find the top trending and latest single cards and boxes.