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13th March 2024 EDT RELEASES

KAWS x General Mills “Monsters” Collection Releases 12 March

Available in four variations.


New York-based artist KAWS have officially partnered up with American food company General Mills to offer a figurine release of the latter’s original “Monsters” characters.

Available in four variations—known as Frankenberry, Count Chocula, Boo-Berry, and Frute Brute—the designs were first unveiled as cereal packaging graphics back in 2022, accompanied by their respective small plastic toy versions. Now, the designs are being released in full collectible sizes, produced by MEDICOM TOY.

The KAWS x General Mills “Monsters” figurine collection will officially launch via kawsone.com on 12 March 12PM EDT. Don’t miss out on the release!

In other news, check out the New Balance 9060 “Pink/Silver”.

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